I forgot my password. How can I log in?
If you forgot your password, please click on the button "Forgotten password?" on the login page to request a new one.
If you do not receive any message, please check your SPAM or JUNK folder.
I want to modify my password
You have to log in with your original login and password. Then, click on the button "Forgotten password?".
What is the deadline for submission?
April 15, 2022
I am having difficulty submitting my abstract. Instructions do not appear on my screen!
For optimal viewing of the online submission form system, your browser must allow acceptance of cookies, pop-up and javascript controls. We also highly recommend that you use
Internet Explorer 8+,
Chrome 5+,
Safari 5+ or
Firefox 3.6.
It might also be caused by download restrictions if you submit from your company/organisation. Security rules might block our system & javascripts as they estimate it is a danger and some functions of our system disappear.
Therefore, we invite you to try to submit using another Internet access.
The special characters do not appear in my submitted abstract? How do I resolve this?
To insert special characters (©, ®, ™, ½, α, β....), please use the following icon :


Please ensure your browser accepts pop-ups.
Can I revise my submission after it has been submitted?
You will be able to modify submission until the closing date.
When will I know if my abstract has been accepted by the scientific committee?
Results will be available from
June 01, 2022.
Only the contact presenting author will receive email concerning the abstract and is responsible for informing all co-authors.
For further information regarding the call for abstracts, please contact